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From Brain to Blog: 4 Ways to Generate Awesome Blog Ideas

Blogs can be great for creating a space to interact with clients and strangers, provide education (or your opinion) to the public, and simply promote your business online. And while that's all great, the truth is that a blog can be incredibly taxing on your mental resources and time. If you have a blog, you understand the creative_block.jpgstruggle; first you have to come up with a topic, and once you're able to do that you have to map it out so you don't look like a babbling lunatic, then to finish it off you have to make sure it's written appropriately for your target audience and come off as a credible source. 


While stringing together ideas and keeping everything in layman's terms can be difficult at times, often the block we stumble over is the creative one; coming up with an idea for a blog in the first place. If that's happening to you (and probably why you landed here), work through this quick and simple list of ways to generate awesome blog ideas!


1. Visit Pinterest

Pinterest is a ton of ideas scrolling by you every second you're on the site. Throw some terms in the search bar that apply to your business and start scrolling through the thousands of infographics, quotes, pictures, and DIY posts. It's perfect for gathering ideas still in seed form that you can grow into a great, personal blog on your own site. 


2. Make the mundane fun!

We all have parts of our jobs that seem routine, normal, maybe even boring. The next time you're stumped on a blog, take advantage of the ordinary and make it fun - like this blog I wrote on what it's like going through a website build. It will grab a quick laugh form those who understand, and can be a fun followup to send to clients that will start going through the process for the first time. 


3. Explain the obvious

Our in-house Media Buyer, Jodi, wrote a fantastic blog on how the DVR is putting a serious hurt on the value of some traditional TV advertising (click here to check it out). It's not like this is an industry secret - everyone rejoices as they +15s or >>>  over commercials every evening. While Jodi reaffirms what many people know, she takes it a step further and provides insight that delivers value to those reading. Nothing in Jodi's blog is completely groundbreaking to her - but to the clients she works with it's an insightful article that can influence their future media buying.


4. Share You Secrets

I'm not saying to give away your family's secret rib recipe. What I am saying is to share what you use to keep current in your industry. Our Digital Marketing Director, Logan, wrote a fantastic blog, "15 Documentaries on Netflix for Marketers" that lays out the documentaries he feels provides value to marketing professionals. Another great example is this GREATIST blog that is a list of the top 60 blogs for health advice. It's the perfect way to share insight, not recreate the wheel, give credit where is due, and grow your education base. 



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