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A Secret About Content

We’ve got a tip for you that may bring a big sigh of relief – and it’s all about creating content for your business.

When we mention content, do you get a liiiiittle overwhelmed?

More ideas, lacking motivation for creativity, and not to mention – the time time time it takes to create new posts for each platform. Creating content for your social and marketing can easily trickle from an hour into hours of your day, when really, you need to be focusing on a variety of other things.

When analyzing the data behind your posts and website content (which we do for you at DesignWorks), it’s important to shift your focus from creating content to repurposing content.

You’ve spent all this time creating a foundation of offerings and marketing for your business. So instead of devoting your time to new creations each day, spend time diving into what works and what performs well for your company. What do people love? What are they constantly sharing? What is your money-maker that is tried and true again and again?

Find out what that is by looking at your analytics. Then capitalize.

Hone in on your platforms of success for each topic or facet of your business, and repurpose that content. It’s 1000% A-OKAY to re-share! People won’t be tired of seeing your popular offerings, so don’t be self-conscious. Plus, with the algorithms anyway, they probably didn’t see it when you shared it last week. Or, they were walking their dog and got too busy to follow up.

Dive into what works best and buckle down on it. Don’t waste precious time reinventing the wheel (unless it’s time for that)! Spend your time wisely.

We are always able to help you with analyzing your data, marketing it to the correct demographic and handling all the behind the scenes work to making your business shine.

Comment or get in touch for your consultation with us anytime!



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